Photos and Feedback

1. Take our climate quiz

Thank you for taking the quiz! Your feedback is very important to us. The first step for developing educational materials is always finding out what people already know.

You can find out the answers here, and learn more about climate from these resources (see Workshops, toolkits, courses, etc.).

2. Share your experience

We asked Uganda Youth for the Environment about their Kampala Yénkya playtesting experience. Here are a few of their responses.

How did it make you feel?

It made feel comfortable and happy

It made me feel excited because it required critical thinking which made me improve on my way of thinking

Did you learn anything new?

Yes, I have learnt that everything can change according to the way we think or live

Did it create new questions?

Yes, it created new questions for example, what do you think will be the means of transport in 2060

What would you like to learn more about in the future?

I would like to know if Uganda can stop practicing deforestation in the future

I would like to learn more about how Uganda would be in terms of climate status in the future

I would like to learn more about climate-smart technology

I would like to learn about more alternative ways we can do to mitigate climate change

3. Plan Actions

Here are some of the actions for climate justice that members of the Uganda Youth for the Environment considered:

The action I think I can take now for climate justice is planting trees

To stop polluting the environment, to sensitize people to stop cutting trees

I think of practicing agroforestry, using electricity to cook in order to avoid deforestation